Multicultural Choir “The Cantamondo”
Directors Massimo Sigillò Massara and Francesca Rini
Tuesday, April 25 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tor Bella Monaca Theater https://www.teatriincomune.roma.it/events/il-cantamondo/
Single ticket 5 euro
This first performance of the Multicultural Choir “The Cantamondo” is meant to be a tale in music of the journey that began last October. Learning how to be together, how to move together, and above all learning how to have fun while playing with singing while truly feeling that everyone is equally important in building a single voice.Through all the elements that characterize choral singing, even music theory we will recount all of this during the performance, making people sense, through music and storytelling, how beautiful, effective and challenging it is to build a new system together, one that welcomes in profoundly different languages and cultures with a single shared goal.